First Holy Communion
Do you want to receive the First Holy Communion?
SignUp the Catechesis course,
know and live your faith in our community.
We have two Catechesis Courses during the year
The FIRST COURSE is from the first week of February to June, registrations for this course begin at the end of november
The SECOND COURSE is from the first week of August to November, registrations for this course begin at the end of June.
Age: 7 onwards
Attend courses of catechesis
NOTE: If students are not baptized, they will be baptized a month before receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion
The Eucharist is
"Source and summit of all Christian life" (LG 11).
By this sacrament we join Christ who makes us sharers in his Body and Blood to form one body. (cf 1 Co 10,16-17).