Christians make the sign of the cross at the beginning of the day; before any activity such as work, sports or a trip; at the beginning of the celebration of a sacrament ... we continually sign in the name of God, that is, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is a blessing that we give ourselves, demonstrating the trust we have in God and asking for his protection and help.
There are two ways of signing: a simple form, invoking the most holy trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) while drawing a simple cross from head to chest and then to shoulders. But there is another more detailed way to sign, drawing with your hand four crosses, while saying the following phrases:
For the sign of the holy cross + (we draw a cross on the forehead)
of our enemies + (we draw a cross in the mouth)
deliver us, Lord, our God + (we draw a cross in the chest)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit + (we draw a large cross on our person). Amen.
The sign of the cross is a simple way of expressing our faith in the one God who has been made known to us in three equal and different persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Think about this the next time you make the sign of the cross.