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Reflection of the Word of God. Solemnity of Corpus Christi


In this celebration, the emphasis is on the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, recognizing the living presence of Jesus in the bread and wine that were consecrated.

But there is another reality about this Blessed Sacrament, if we listen carefully to the scriptures, we discover that not only are those elements of bread and wine transformed into the body and blood of Christ, but also the community of disciples - we, who are the church - We are transformed into the body and blood of Christ. We become Jesus alive, present in our world.

This is really what St Paul emphasized, in the letter to the Corinthian church. This text is an invitation from Saint Paul to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with a clean heart, away from divisions and arrogance. To make our meetings with an ecclesial sense, putting Christ as the head and center of them.

The Eucharist is a meal between brothers, which implies recognizing the equality of relations between the members of this community. The Eucharist creates the Church, when those of us who participate in it see ourselves without distinction, have the same ideals, speak the same language and share the same feelings and sufferings. Between us there should be no differences but relationships of fraternity and solidarity, that is true communion.

Cathedral of St Matthew
Mass Schedule


12:00 pm (Chapel)



12:00 pm (Chapel)

7:00 pm (Cathedral)


8:30 am (Cathedral)

10:00 am (Cathedral)

12:00 pm (Cathedral)

2:00 pm Cathedral.


English Mass

12:00 pm (Chapel)


Office hours

 Tuesday- Saturday

9:30 am - 5:30 pm


9101 Airline Dr

Houston, Tx. 77037

Phone (281) 260 9622

Fax (281) 820 2740




Fr. Tarcisio Carmona

Fr. Claudio Castillo

S. Sandra Alvarado



Bilingual Mass

10:00 am

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