The Cathedral of Saint Matthew has a group formed to help marriages in their family life; this ministry is for all those couples who want to improve their relationship, who want to learn how they can be better parents and better spouses, or are preparing to receive the sacrament of marriage.
All couples face, sooner or later, some problems and challenges; and to get ahead it is necessary to take advantage of all the resources that we have at our disposal. It is not only about material things, but about everything that humanely helps to improve communication, trust, and maturity in each person; as well as the spiritual assistance we receive because of the faith we have in God.
The matrimonial group of the Cathedral of Saint Matthew is open to all those couples who wish to learn and improve. By listening and sharing the experience of each one, we learn, but at the same time we teach others to find the answers we need to move forward together. You can also participate.