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What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? Agust 25


They will come from east and west and recline at table in the Kingdom of God

Today Jesus speaks of salvation. God the Father wants the salvation for all. The promise is very important and their achievement-being saved-will give us eternal happiness. But we have to work for it. God created us free and we can take the easy way and the wide door. Our world today, such as the time of Jesus, offers many false ways of wide doors that lead to nothing. But is the offer of Jesus, that of humility and love, that saves us. That no one may be fooled!

1 . The first reading shows the way of salvation: to expand the Word of God throughout the world without limitation. But we all have to collaborate. Jesus and our brothers are waiting for our effort.

—The psalm is particularly connected with today´s first reading, from the prophet Isaiah. Responsorial Verse, from the Gospel of Mark, relates this Psalm 116 to the universal mission of all Christians: Go into the world and preach the Gospel.

2. The hardships we face in this world we must deal with them with humility and a sense of penance, as the letter to the Hebrews tells us. God, as a good Father helps us in our way. And if it is necessary he also admonishes us.

3. The Gospel of Luke is undoubtedly a very fine reading. A spontaneous question will be the occasion for Jesus to deal with a fundamental issue: what is the number of those who are saved. It's the Father's will that men and women of all time are saved, freely but with effort, seeking the narrow door, which seems the least attractive, but it is the only real step.

Cathedral of St Matthew
Mass Schedule


12:00 pm (Chapel)



12:00 pm (Chapel)

7:00 pm (Cathedral)


8:30 am (Cathedral)

10:00 am (Cathedral)

12:00 pm (Cathedral)

2:00 pm Cathedral.


English Mass

12:00 pm (Chapel)


Office hours

 Tuesday- Saturday

9:30 am - 5:30 pm


9101 Airline Dr

Houston, Tx. 77037

Phone (281) 260 9622

Fax (281) 820 2740




Fr. Tarcisio Carmona

Fr. Claudio Castillo

S. Sandra Alvarado



Bilingual Mass

10:00 am

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