By your perseverance you will secure your lives.
The theme of the end of the world arouses great interest in every generation that passes through this world. When will this happen? How can we prepare? Even scientists spend much of their time calculating the life time of our planet. For the Christian faith it has also been a topic of great interest since the beginning of the preaching of the first disciples of Jesus.
The positions on this issue have been very different, from those who deny everything and ensure that nothing will happen, to those who ensure that the end is imminent and it is urgent to be prepared to face it. An important reflection is that offered by the word of God this Sunday. The prophet Malachi announces difficult times, but also times of hope for those who trust in God. Saint Paul writes to the Thessalonians so that they do not live in fear or neglecting important things in daily life, such as work, putting as a pretext that the end of the world can happen at any moment. The Christian must live to earn a living, trusting in God, being mature and solid believers and bearing witness to God's love.
On the other hand, in today's Gospel, Jesus anticipates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem; calamities and persecution are images of the destruction of the old order and the beginning of a new one. However, those who persevere with faith and hope have nothing to fear, for they will live in the Lord.