During the season of Lent, we are invited to receive the Sacrament of Confession, that is, to approach the priest to confess all our sins. But this is not easy, because we feel ashamed or afraid to recognize and confess the mistakes we have made.
However, the Sacrament is an opportunity to heal our wounds, to reconcile ourselves with God and with our brothers and sisters, and, above all, with our own history, with our lives. There is no need to be afraid, because God is good to those who sincerely repent.
To go to confession we can follow five steps:
1) EXAMINATION of conscience: Review your life and if you have sinned in thought, word, deed and omission, for this it helps to keep in mind the ten commandments.
2) CONFESS sins.
3) Sincerely REPENT of the wrong we have done.
4) TO PERFORM THE PENANCE given by the confessor.
5) Make a RESOLUTION OF AMENDMENT, that is, not to make the same mistakes and to repair the damage done, if possible.
P. Tarcisio