First Reading (Is 43,16-21): Forget the past. Go ahead with me.
Second Reading (Phil 3,8-14): Strive for what lies ahead.
Gospel (Jn 8,1-11): Go and, from now on, sin no more.
The prophet Isaiah announces to us the great project of God, which consists in renewing all things. And it is through Jesus Christ that this renewal takes place, as Saint Paul affirms in his letter to the Philippians, and reminds us that in our personal and community process of renewing our own Christian existence as baptized, that is: "regenerated in Christ ”, is only possible thanks to the death and resurrection of Our Lord, since this mystery of salvation gives us the hope of reaching our goal, which consists of transforming ourselves into new men and women in the likeness of Jesus.
The adulterous woman forgiven by Christ is a clear example to teach us that Christ knows how to forgive any infidelity towards God, and therefore he is the inexhaustible source of all renewal.