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Meaning of the acclamation: “Holy, Holy, Holy…”, during Mass

Fr. Tarcisio

Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor
Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor

The acclamation “Holy, Holy, Holy…” in the Mass, also known as ”Sanctus”, it is an expression of adoration and praise to God. It is the most important acclamation of the Mass. Its purpose is to encourage the community, to joyfully acclaim God. It is sung after the preface prayer, which is where the priest reminds the community of the reasons why we should praise and give thanks to God.


Within this song we say “Hossana”, but what does the word Hossana mean? This expression is a petition that means: “Save us”, in Hebrew: yasha anna. It is an expression of joy and praise for the salvation granted or anticipated." So, when we sing this part of the Sanctus it should be a time of praise and thanksgiving for salvation.


The phrase, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”, comes from Psalm 118 (117), verse 26. It is a psalm of victory. “Sanctus” It is also present in the heavenly acclamation made by angels and saints before the throne of God in the Book of Revelation (Rev 4:8) and in Isaiah 6:3. When we do this chant, we do it together with the angels, the saints and all creation.


P. Tarcisio

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Mass Schedule


12:00 pm (Chapel)


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10:00 am (Cathedral)

12:00 pm (Cathedral)

2:00 pm Cathedral.


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 Tuesday- Saturday

9:30 am - 5:30 pm


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Fr. Tarcisio Carmona

Fr. Claudio Castillo

S. Sandra Alvarado


Bilingual Mass

10:00 am

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