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P. Tarcisio

In our community there is a ministry dedicated especially to the formation of young people, it is known as the Youth group; whose mission is to accompany young in their growth as a human being and in the development of their commitment as a Christian.

It is important that young people have their space in the community where they can share their experiences and so that their sense of belonging and the service, they perform in the community grow. Where they can learn, share, play and do other activities with the joy and energy that characterizes them.

Currently the youth group is made up of between 15-25 young people. Their meetings are on Sundays from 11:00 to 12:00, in room B, Building III. They also like to volunteer at community events. And the training they receive allows them to later integrate into other ministries, such as: acolytes, lectors, ushers, catechists... In addition, the Quinceañeras who are preparing for their celebration also participate at least two Sundays in the youth group activities.

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