First Reading (Is 8: 23b. 9,3): God's Promises are light for his people.
Second Reading (1 Cor 1:10-13.17): Be united in Christ!
Gospel (Mt 4:12-23): Christ, light for all those who live in darkness.
In this octave of prayer for Christian unity that runs from January 18th to 25th, today the third Sunday in ordinary time, in the second reading Saint Paul questions us in his letter to the Corinthians: Brothers, I beg you on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ, agree and do not walk divided. Be well united with the same thinking and the same feeling.
This same plea remains fully valid for us today, and it is the same call of the prophets and of the Gospel: Convert because the Kingdom of Heaven is near.
And the proper way to convert and follow Jesus is to listen to the Holy Scripture that always invites us to practice mercy, seek justice and work for peace.
Fr. Claudio