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Fr. Tarcisio

Reflection of the Word of God, Sunday, January 7th 2024

First Reading - Is 60, 1-6

Second reading- Eph 3, 2-3a. 5-6

Gospel - Mt 2, 1-12


Christ is light for all nations.


The celebration of Epiphany, which means "manifestation", is for us as a second Christmas. This party proclaims that Jesus Child belongs and gives himself to the entire world as his Savior. With the magicians, the whole world brings to Jesus its variety of gifts: their cultures, its many peculiarities, its different identities.

The Feast of the Magi, reminds us that faith in Jesus Christ is not owned by a few privileged, but is for all peoples. That it is possible to be a Christian in the diversity of cultures, languages and traditions.

Today we can reflect on the attitudes that we sometimes have towards other Christian communities, towards other countries; Those who express their faith differently from yours, who speak and think differently, but who believe and live the same gospel, the same commandments, the same human values. 

Fr. Tarcisio


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