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Reflection of the Word of God, XI SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME JUNE 18th, 2023

Fr. Claudio

Ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest

This Sunday's Gospel presents the apostolic discourse of Jesus, which constitutes an outline of the first theology of mission. It is an appropriate perspective to define the vocation and identity of the Church and of each believer committed to Christ.

The commitment is to change reality by participating in the ecclesial co-responsibility of working personally for the Kingdom, renouncing selfishness and one's own interests. Just as faith is a personal experience lived in the community, so is the mission and we must work in fidelity to the will of God manifested in the call and in the sending that Christ makes us.

Let us continue to pray for vocations to work in the Fields of God and collaborate in the building of the Church, so that the Kingdom of Christ continues to spread in our world.


Cathedral of St Matthew
Mass Schedule


12:00 pm (Chapel)


12:00 pm (Chapel)

7:00 pm (Cathedral)


8:30 am (Cathedral)

10:00 am (Cathedral)

12:00 pm (Cathedral)

2:00 pm Cathedral.


English Mass

12:00 pm (Chapel)

Office hours

 Tuesday- Saturday

9:30 am - 5:30 pm


9101 Airline Dr

Houston, Tx. 77037

Phone (281) 260 9622

Fax (281) 820 2740



Fr. Tarcisio Carmona

Fr. Claudio Castillo

S. Sandra Alvarado


Bilingual Mass

10:00 am

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