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P. Tarcisio

Reflection on the Sunday mass readings. 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time.


First Reading (Jer 20:10-13): Jeremiah's tragedy was that the people rejected him for speaking openly in the name of God. Still, he kept trusting in the Lord.

Second Reading (Rom 5:12-15): When the people were one in sin, Jesus came to make them one in grace.

Gospel (Mt 10: 26-33): Do not be afraid, says Jesus, but live your faith and bear witness of it without fear, because you are in the hands of the Lord.

The prophet Jeremiah was criticized and threatened for denouncing the injustices of his people. He was afraid and he felt alone. So he puts all his trust in God, knowing that he is the one who can free him from all danger.

Nothing can give us more confidence and encouragement than knowing that someone loves us deeply. Faith is really the confidence and conviction that God loves us, as a Father (the best of parents) and that he loves us deeply. When we are aware of this love, there is no longer room for fear. Men and women of great faith are not afraid to profess it and proclaim it openly, and to commit themselves to all that this faith and love imply. That is why he says to them: "What I tell you at night, repeat it in broad daylight, and what I tell you in your ear, proclaim it from the rooftops."

God's Word reminds us today that we must trust him. That the problems and the fears do not surpass our confidence nor our Faith.

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