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The Catechism CourseIn our community

Fr. Tarcisio

Catecismo Catedral

This weekend we started, once again, the Catechism course. With these classes, children, youth and adults are prepared so that they can receive the sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Communion and Confirmation.


In this task, the participation of the catechists is very important, who, together with the clergy team, go into depth and explain the basic contents of our faith. The basis for teaching catechism is the Bible, the Word of God, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


However, in this task of transmitting the faith, the parents are the first responsible, “first catechists”. Before the catechism course, because they are the first to speak to their children about God and the faith. During the catechism course, because they encourage them to come to classes, help them with their homework and encourage them to continue. After the catechism course, they are the ones who will continue to bring them to Church, to participate in the Holy Mass, to pray and continue learning as they grow.

Fr. Tarcisio


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