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  • Fr. Claudio


According to the liturgical documents of the Church, the offerings that must have absolute emphasis in the Holy Mass are Bread and Wine that must be placed on the altar.

In them everything was summarized, including the very life of the participants and of all the Christian people. These offerings will allow the actualization of the One and Eternal Sacrifice of Christ. God transforms them into the Body and Blood of his Son and is given to us to sanctify us. Only bread and wine can be a true oblation in the Eucharistic liturgy.


 However, in the offertory, “…Money or other gifts may also be presented for the poor or for the Church, brought by the faithful or collected in the church, which will be placed in the appropriate place, outside the Eucharistic table” ( IGMR,73).


 It is important to know and always keep in mind that, in bread and wine, fruits of the earth and man's work, all the gifts of God are represented that, in the sacrifice, return to Him. And it is time to offer ourselves, with everything we are and have. And that offering is then returned to us by the Lord transformed into his Body and his Blood, as food of eternal life.


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