Maybe you have a bible in your house, the Church always encourages us to read the Word of God. It is important to remember that the Bible is not a book; it is rather a library, because the Bible is a collection of 73 books written over the centuries. All the books of the Bible tell us about God's relationship with his people.
The most important thing about reading the Bible is that it does not deal with things from the past. The moment you read the Word of God, that relationship of God with people is updated for our time. We can say that the Bible never goes out of style and is a sign of our faith because it renews our personal and family relationship with God.
Here in the Church of Saint Matthew we have the Bible as the main source of catechesis and each one of the believers seek to strive to know better and better the deep meaning of the word of God because in the Bible, God teaches us those truths that we need for the good of our salvation.