Sunday Readings: Acts 3, 13-19; 1Jn 2, 1-5; Lk 24, 35-48
The Word of God on this Sunday teaches those of us who gather every Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist, that Christ calls us to become family. The Risen Christ makes us a community gathered around his Word and shared Bread.
Note that today's Gospel indicates that the disciples came together not on their own initiative but summoned by their personal experiences of faith that led them to meet again. We do not come to the Church to fulfill an obligation but to listen to the Risen Lord who explains the scriptures to us and makes us understand his presence in the Church in the appearance of bread and wine.
It is not just about “going to mass”, but about participating, and letting ourselves be touched by the Word of Christ. Feel the emotion of those first disciples who met the Risen Jesus. At Mass we are communicated with a grace capable of transforming our lives. Let us take advantage of every Sunday to meet God to live our faith in family and in the Church.