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Fr. Claudio


The immediate answer is: prepare to celebrate CHRISTMAS, that is, the Birth of Jesus Christ. The son of God who became man to redeem us.


We can prepare ourselves both spiritually and internally, as well as materially and externally. By disposing our hearts through prayer and listening to the word of God. And activating our hands to make the Advent wreath, the traditional Nativity or Bethlehem; to decorate the tree and do good works to our neediest neighbors.


We can also pray and live the novena or the traditional "Posadas" and prepare gifts and family dinner, without forgetting La Pastorela, carols and piñatas.


Let us remember that the center of our December feasts is: The Child Jesus, whom the shepherds of Bethlehem recognized and the Magi from the East worshipped. He came in our history and will return, full of glory, at the end of time to complete his work on our behalf.


Fr. Claudio

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