The fundamental themes of God's Word this Sunday are generosity to the extreme and trust in God.
The widow in the first reading trusts the prophet's word and gives him the only thing she had to eat. He trusted the prophet who spoke in the name of God and, from then on, he did not lack enough to survive.
In the Gospel Jesus observes and values what he sees. He also invites the disciples to look, to judge and to evaluate... so as not to remain passive in the face of reality:
Some wealthy people enter the temple under the pretext of worshipping God, but they are insensitive to the needs of the poor. Worship of God without attention to one's brother is false worship. Love for God is inseparable from love for one's brother.
This attitude contrasts with that of a poor widow who gives in the offering everything she had to live. This widow sees God far above money and knows that we will never outdo God in generosity.
Fr. Claudio