"My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my guard would have fought so that it would not fall into the hands of the Jews. But my kingdom is not from here."
The kingdom of God is already taking place in this world, in the fraternal society promoted by Christ, where we strive to live his Gospel... still imperfectly, but on the way to a fullness without shadows.
That kingdom is already here like leaven in the dough, leavening humanity to be more supportive, more fraternal. Not with the logic of economic or military power, nor with the force of arms... but with the logic of gratuitousness, service and love.
In Jesus Christ, the Church is on her way... he is also in a process of conversion to the Gospel. It is germ and ferment. It is a visible and credible sign of humanity's vocation to work for a new earth and new heavens...
To celebrate the feast of Christ the King of the Universe is to yearn for justice and peace. It is to oppose the wars, injustices and misfortunes that we suffer and suffer our most unprotected brothers and sisters. It is to bear witness to Christ and his Victory over evil, sin and death.
Fr. Claudio
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