Jesus and his disciples set out again, heading for Jerusalem. The teacher goes ahead, instructing them, giving them an example; and the disciples follow in his footsteps, even though they are afraid. For the third time he warns them about what is about to happen: “Their teacher will be imprisoned, mistreated and condemned to death, but on the third day he will rise again.”
But the disciples do not understand; they have not grasped what he wants to tell them and continue to think that Jesus is going to be named king in Jerusalem, with all the political and military powers. Who among them will have the privilege of occupying the places of honor? The sons of Zebedee wanted to be the first and did not hesitate to ask for it first, provoking the anger of the other apostles.
In this way, by repeating and contrasting Jesus’ words with the attitudes of his disciples, the evangelist Mark also instructs us to understand Jesus’ mission. The teaching is clear in the three Passion proclamations: “Whoever wants to be first must be last and servant of all. “
Fr. Tarcisio