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What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? August 11th, 2024

Fr. Claudio

The first reading tells of the walk of the prophet Elijah, the prototype of prophecy. The kings in turn encouraged a religious syncretism where faith in Yahweh, the Only God, was diluted. The prophet Elijah denounces the idolatry that the Kings and their priests encourage, which provokes anger against the prophet and his persecution. To meet the true God, Elijah walks to Mount Horeb, and in the desert he feels exhausted... But the Angel of God offers him bread and water so that he can continue forward. Announcement of the Bread of Life that is Jesus Christ.


In the letter to the Ephesians, Saint Paul recommends that Christians live the love of Christ who gave himself for us, banishing all anger and bitterness, in our daily lives.


In the Fourth Gospel, Saint John proclaims the core of the Christian faith: Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh. Our strength and food of True Life to walk through the exhausting desert of our daily existence.


P. Claudio.



Cathedral of St Matthew
Mass Schedule


12:00 pm (Chapel)


12:00 pm (Chapel)

7:00 pm (Cathedral)


8:30 am (Cathedral)

10:00 am (Cathedral)

12:00 pm (Cathedral)

2:00 pm Cathedral.


English Mass

12:00 pm (Chapel)

Office hours

 Tuesday- Saturday

9:30 am - 5:30 pm


9101 Airline Dr

Houston, Tx. 77037

Phone (281) 260 9622

Fax (281) 820 2740



Fr. Tarcisio Carmona

Fr. Claudio Castillo

S. Sandra Alvarado


Bilingual Mass

10:00 am

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