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What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday? August 4th, 2024

Fr. Tarcisio

On their march towards the Promised Land, the People of Israel have to learn to trust in God. They had left the slavery of Egypt behind, but they had to walk on their own in freedom. Faced with the shortcomings and difficulties of the path, they despair and murmur, they complain to Moses. And at that moment they would have preferred to remain slaves, rather than go hungry. But God answers them and confirms that He cares for them and gives them manna as a sign of His care, every day. In the gospel, Jesus confronts the crowd seeking him to receive bread: “Why are you looking for me?” Evidently, many sought him for the miraculous signs, the multiplied bread, the healings. There was a material interest to approach him. That is why he asks them to look for other types of food, other motivations. Why do we seek God, Jesus? Is it only because of the things he gives us? — We receive a lot from God, it is true, but do we seek Jesus for himself, for what he means for our lives? He is the one who gives meaning to our lives and who tells us how we can continue to grow as his brothers and sisters. And he also asks us to learn from him to give of ourselves to others, to become, through our dedication, like food and drink for one another.

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