Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate the Jewish Passover, a meal that to this day remembers the night when the Jewish people were freed by Moses from slavery in Egypt. A dinner that became the beginning of a life of freedom, of risks, of setbacks on a long walk towards the promised land. On that path, the people of Israel had to trust in God, they learned to fulfill the commandments they received from Moses, and when they lacked food and water in the middle of the desert, they received sustenance through God's intervention.
That meal of Jesus, for us, is the Holy Mass, the Eucharist. And when we do what he commanded us-“Do this in remembrance of me,” we give thanks to God (Eucharist) for all that he gives us. We also need that spiritual food for the journey through the desert of life, while the time comes to celebrate the banquet in the place promised to us, in heaven. “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life” (Jn 6:54).
Fr. Tarcisio