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What does the Word of God tell us this Sunday?, THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD, January 2nd

P. Tarcisio

The word "Epiphany" means "manifestation", it is for us as a second Christmas. This celebration proclaims that the Child Jesus belongs and gives himself to the whole world as his Savior. With the Magi, the whole world brings to Jesus their variety of gifts: their cultures, their many peculiarities, their different identities.

This is described by the reading of the prophet Isaiah, when he speaks to us of an immense number of peoples, gathering from any part of the world to the light of God. St. Paul also share his experience with the Christians of Ephesus, something he has understood is that faith is not for a few, but all peoples, "are co-heirs of the same inheritance, members of the same body and copartners in the promise in Jesus Christ…" (Second reading).

And today, we, like the magi who came from the East to adore the child God, we bring him the gift of ourselves: our faith, our purpose of fidelity, our love, to meet him in prayer and in the brothers , especially in the poorest.

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