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Fr. Tarcisio

Why do we sing ALLELUIA before listening to the Gospel during Mass?

“ALLELUIA” is an adaptation of the Hebrew expression: “hallel-Yah”, which means “praise Yah”, that is, “praise God”. The Alleluia is sung in all Masses, with the exception of penitential times such as Lent (in which the Glory hymn is not sung either).


Within the biblical texts, the Psalms are fundamentally a praise, which is why many begin with that word: “Alleluia” (106, 111, 112, 113, 135, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150) or end like this (105, 115, 116, 117).


Alleluia is a cry of praise. It is the word of the Lord standing before the Father after rising from the dead; and his Spirit makes this same word arise in those of us who participate in the Mass. And we sing this praise because in the proclamation of the Gospel the risen Lord is present among us.

Fr. Tarcisio


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